Publishing proposals

We accept publishing proposals transmitted electronically, in any of the DOC, RTF, or PDF formats, to the address:

  1. Text, biographical note

You are kindly requested to send us your publishing proposal in the form of a complete book and a brief summary/abstract (1 typescript page maximum), or, if uncompleted, an extensive syllabus. A biographical note of the author is a compulsory element of the submitted proposal.

  1. Feedback contact

If the Publishing House’s editorial board are interested in your book, we will contact the text’s author within three (3) months of the submittal date, at the latest.

  1. Return of material submitted

We do not return the material received in printout form.

  1. Publisher’s review

We subject the received publishing proposals to internal reviewing and, for scholarly monographs, to external scholarly review. We do not make available our internal reviews to those authors with whom we have not entered into cooperation.