Our book series

Museum Under Construction

This academic series of richly illustrated books presents to the English-language readers the most important phenomena and figures in the art and culture of the recent decades, from Poland and the East Central European region. The reinterpretations and discoveries have so far portrayed artists such as Ion Grigorescu and Mária Bartuszová (our publications were the first-ever monographs of these artists), Alina Szapocznikow, Andrzej Wróblewski, and others. The new approaches extend to the art of performance, kinetic art, op-art, or political involvements of artists. We publish texts by eminent researchers and critics of international renown. Some of the books have their Polish counterparts issued.

mówi muzeum [‘this is museum speaking’]

This joint series by the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw and Karakter publishers features aspects of modern art and architecture, including biographies, stories of important and living phenomena, and critical texts. The books, dealing with ideas and artists, absorbing and well-written as they are, are targeted at all those who participate in culture.

Nowe Historie Sztuki [New Histories of Art]

The series, jointly run by the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw and the Faculty of Management of Visual Culture at Warsaw’s Academy of Fine Arts, introduces new research perspectives in the history of Polish twentieth- and twenty-first-century art  (nowehistoriesztuki.pl). We publish books in Polish and English. Our authors belong to a young generation of scholars, disposed to exceed the limits of traditional concepts of their discipline and revisit/revise the ‘established’ narratives.

Exhibition catalogues

Apart from catalogues in the form of illustrated guides to the exhibitions held at the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, we often publish ‘accompanying’ books––broadening the exhibition’s contexts and as if complementing the threads touched upon by it.

Off-series publications

Self-published or issued as part of publishing collaboration, these books offer interdisciplinary interpretative keys helping to understand contemporary arts and culture.