21.11 Th
18:00 - 19:46

Zła nie ma

22.11 Fr
18:00 - 19:10

Flowers of Ukraine + Q&A

22.11 Fr
20:30 - 23:30

Such Feeling + Q&A

23.11 Sa
15:00 - 17:32

Youth (Homecoming)

23.11 Sa
18:00 - 19:15

Dogs Are People Too

23.11 Sa
20:30 - 21:42

La Base + Q&A

24.11 Su
12:30 - 14:00
Warsztaty rodzinne

Twórcze warsztaty rodzinne: Miękkie pomniki pięknie śpiewają | Warsztaty dla dzieci w wieku 3-6 lat

No tickets available
24.11 Su
14:30 - 16:00
Warsztaty rodzinne

Twórcze warsztaty rodzinne: Miękkie pomniki pięknie śpiewają | Warsztaty dla dzieci w wieku 7-12 lat

No tickets available
Guided tours

Bespoke guided tours

We offer a choice of two tours: Exhibitions / Building.


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At the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, art becomes a tool for communicating, exploring and understanding the world. In the workshops we learn to think critically, we ask questions about the influence we have on the reality we live in. The aim of the classes is to stimulate the creativity of children. young people and adults and to create space for expressing one's own opinions. Contact with the works of outstanding contemporary male and female artists is an excellent pretext for initiating discussions about culture and recent history. The classes familiarise people with art, encourage independent thinking and creation, and prepare them for an informed reception of contemporary culture.

The workshops are prepared and led by the Museum's education team and cooperating educators. The format and themes of the classes are adapted to the age and developmental needs of groups and individuals.

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